Hey, you!
First of all, thank you for the wonderful feedback I received on the first Batch Cooking article (click here) I posted earlier this month. I see that more and more people are interested regarding this and I'm super excited to continue this series.
So now that you have a global idea of what Batch Cooking is, let's focus on the first step - Meal Planning.
What do I have in my kitchen?
In my case, I have:
-manual food chopper
-2 frying pans (1 medium, 1 large)
-4 pots (1 small, 2 medium, 1 large)
-glass containers, jars, and bowl
-freezer bags
Here's what I take into consideration when meal planning:
-what we want to eat
-our work / school schedule (the Husband regularly changes work shifts)
-prepare a basic preparation for different dishes
-use seasonal vegetables and meat I can use in different dishes
-my kitchen appliances and tools
For more ideas, please check out the first article (click here).
Some ideas:
Large Pot: Tomato Meat Sauce - for Hachis Parmentier, Pasta with Tomato-Meat Sauce)
Medium Pot: Couscous
Medium Pot: Chicken Afritada
Small Pot: Steamed Green Beans
Bowl: Crabstick Stuffing for Samoussa
Oven: Roasted Vegetables
Oven: Baked Chicken
Frying Pan: Fried Pork Chops
Thermomix: Creamy Mushroom Soup
Here's how the final Meal Plan looks like:

We usually eat leftovers on Saturday or thaw a previously frozen meal.
Sunday is my Batch Cooking day, but I also like to cook something special for lunch.
So what do you think of meal planning?
If you practice meal planning, how do you organize yourself?