Hey, you! 😊
Be careful what you wish for because the grass is not always greener on the other side ... is the message I got while reading Coraline.
Coraline Jones is a little girl with boundless curiosity. Her parents, who have just moved into a new house with her, have little time for her as they are busy with work and barely notice her. To relieve her boredom, Coraline decides to play explorer. She acquaints herself with her eccentric neighbors and explores her surroundings. One day, she opens a locked door and enters an apartment identical to her own, but where everything is different. This is the other world.

According to the author Neil Gaiman, this story is meant to scare adults and while I wasn't scared I did find some of the parts quite creepy. The interactions between Coraline and The Other Mother gave me a weird chill. She encounters her "Other Mother" and "Other Father," who want Coraline to replace her eyes with black buttons in order to keep her with them forever. Coraline must face her fears and confront the Other world in order to save her parents and return to her previous life. As Coraline overcomes each obstacle coming her way, she realizes the strength in her!

Neil Gaiman is a wonderful storyteller. He likes to constantly build tension and suspense as he compares Coraline's real world and the other world. Then in a way only Neil Gaiman can, the story went from funny and playful to creepy and chilly. What can I say? His narrative touch is superb. And that's true to his other works too.
Coraline is a fabulous story for adults and children, although I have a feeling the experience might not the same for both.
It's now time to watch the movie version! 🎥

Book Club Questions:
How did you feel while reading the book? How did you feel after?
Is this book for adults or children?
What do you think is the message of the book?
How would you describe Coraline?
Is Coraline a relatable character?
Do you think Coraline is a good role model for young children?
How would you describe the book in 1 word?
What are some things that you would have done differently from Coraline?
How do you define bravery?
What is the role of the black cat in the story?
What do you think of Neil Gaiman's writing?
Have you read other books from Neil Gaiman?
Have you watched the movie? What did you think?
If not, would you watch it?
xoxo Elodie
☀️ Amazon Links:
↳ Coraline: https://amzn.to/3NflYxA
↳ Good Omens: https://amzn.to/419WSFR
↳ American Gods: https://amzn.to/3uQFYzY
↳ Neverwhere: https://amzn.to/46GyNaV
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