Hey, you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!
I blinked an instant and it was Easter Sunday again.
For a hopeful moment, I thought we would be able to spend it with my French family, but after the latest government announcements that's not happening. I still can't believe that it's been 3 years since I've celebrated with my sister and her family.
Last year, obviously, was impossible and the year before, in 2019, the Husband was working (click here for the post). I seriously thought it would be possible to find a way this year especially because the Husband wasn't working that weekend (which is very rare!).
But guess what? We're officially back on lockdown. And for a period of at least 4 weeks, that is! Baby Girl was not so pleased to hear that she would go back to remote learning, but that's only for 2 weeks because the other 2 weeks is Spring Break. Spring Break at ... home.
After a Good Friday where we only ate Biko (click here for the recipe), I quickly had to finalise the Easter Sunday menu and get my ingredients.

The Husband and I were talking about Easter Sunday lunch in the Philippines vs. in France. It is very common in France to eat lamb. We were a bit confused about the Philippines, only to remember that it is very common to go away for the weekend. Usually the beach, whether it is as a staycation or on another island. Easter Sunday lunch usually just is the resort's buffet or a bbq by the beach. I miss that very very much.

As you might already know, we are currently living in France so of course, I prepared lamb for our lunch. I cooked for the first time a 7-hour slow-cooked lamb, but honestly preferred my usual Oven-Roasted Lamb. Although the slow-cooked lamb was spoon-tender, I think that the Oven-Roasted Lamb is more flavourful.

To accompany the Slow-Cooked Lamb, I also prepared Emily Blunt's Traditional English Potatoes, Green Peas, Roasted Carrots, and my personal favorite Yorkshire pudding to enjoy the delicious Gravy with!

For dessert, I also made a Chocolate Naked Cake. I don't have the patience to nicely decorate a cake, so I just added some Easter eggs.

Although I was very sad to not be with my sister, her family, my great-aunt, uncle, and many more, we managed to have a very nice weekend just the three of us. This Covid-19 situation has personally taught me a lot. I don't need a lot in life, I just need the love of our family.
xoxo Elodie