Hey, you! 🌞
You have to eat French Crêpes on February 2 and here is why ...
Of course, crêpes are enjoyed all year long but believe it or not, there is a National Crêpe Day in France and that's on February 2.
This is most commonly known as La Chandeleur or Candlemas and it's always the same day each year. In fact, it is 40 days after Christmas and officially ends the Christmas-Epiphany period. This is the feast day commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the temple.
Traditionally, candles were used during on this occassion which is where the name La Chandeleur or Candlemas comes from. Nowadays, religious people come home from mass with a blessed candle. It represents light, purity, and keeps harm away.
The round shape and golden color of the crêpes are seen as the symbol of the sun, bringing light after a harsh winter. Many years ago, crêpes were distributed to pilgrims arriving from Rome. I guess this is where comes the tradition of eating crêpes on this day.
The eating tradition actually varies across France. Some people prefer savory crêpes with sausage or ham and cheese while others prefer sweet crêpes with chocolate hazelnut paste or strawberry jam. Crêpes Suzette is caramelized with butter and sugar and flambeed! Yummy!

Whatever way you enjoy eating crêpes, just make sure to eat one on February 2. It's supposed to bring good luck! And anyways ... who can say no to crêpes, right?? Personally, I'm always down for one, or two, or even three!
What's your favorite crêpes topping? 😆
xoxo Elodie
☀️ Amazon Links:
↳ T-Fal Crepe Pan: https://amzn.to/3u5lUds
↳ OXO Balloon Whisk: https://amzn.to/49gqQL9
↳ KitchenAid Ladle: https://amzn.to/48QuD21
↳ Norpro Spatula: https://amzn.to/3SCoEIz
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