I’m so glad our friend, C, called and asked us to come with him for a night in the local Cathedral. Truthfully, if I read about the event on the newspaper or online, I wouldn’t look at it twice, but reality is we ended up having a heck of a great evening!

Cathédrale Saint-Etienne is a Catholic cathedral in Metz, France. Personally, it is the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen, but then again I haven’t seen them all.

The Cathedral was built in 1240 for a period of at least 3 century.

« By this Holy Water and by Thy Precious Blood, wash away all my sins, O Lord ».

La Nuit des Cathédrales, or a night of cathedrals, is an event happening in about 30 cathedrals in France.

As an exception, the Cathedral was open from 7PM-12 midnight.

Different events were schedules throughout the night all over the Cathedral:dance, guided visit, talks, and music.

At 9:15PM, Souffle d’Ebene, a clarinet ensemble started playing classical music. This was the highlight of my evening. I was surprised to see a colleague of mine in the group.
We’re all familiar with this one, aight?

I couldn’t help taking photos of every corner of the Cathedral.

The surface of the stained glass is 6,496 m2. Can you believe that? If I’m not mistaken, that’s the most in the whole of France.

Surprisingly the cathedral was full and I have to admit that this was my first time to see that many people here. This kind of event is great to allow people to discover the Cathedral and the Catholic religion.

We left a little before midnight.

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