Hey, you! 🍖
For as long as I can remember, my dad would always cook Gigot d'Agneau or Leg of Lamb for Easter Sunday. That's because French people traditionally eat lamb at Easter. They call it Agneau Pascal to remember the Christ sacrifice.
Sadly, I never got to ask my dad for his recipe, but taste-wise from what I can remember: it was something like this. ✨
In hindsight, I think I could have added olive oil too.
But anyways ...

I love this way of cooking lamb. The meat is pink, juicy, and just melts in the mouth. Last year, I prepared a Boneless Lamb Shoulder Roast - it was exceptionally delicious and I still think about it. Although I cooked it very similarly as this Leg of Lamb, the meat didn't come out the same. It was well-cooked, but very tender nevertheless. Lamb Shoulder has a higher fat content which gives it that extra flavour. Click here for the post and recipe. The choice is hard between the Leg of Lamb and the Lamb Shoulder, so I guess it depends on my mood.
But, remember when I cooked the 7-Hour Slow-Cooked Lamb 2 years ago? Click here for the post. We didn't enjoy it at all, but I've been debating whether or not to give it another try.

Here are a few tips I would like to share with you for a juicy and tender lamb:
-Remove lamb from fridge 15 minutes before rubbing it with butter
-Avoid making holes with a small knife in the lamb and sticking garlic cloves in it. This will release all the juice while it's roasting and will leave the meat dry
-Cooking time is 15 minutes for every 500 grams of meat. Cook a little more if you don't like your meat pink
-After cooking, remove from oven and cover with foil at least 15 minutes
Happy Holy Week! What do you usually eat on Easter Sunday?
xoxo Elodie
P.S. Someone was very very very happy that I cooked leg of lamb